NOVICE: Recreational, introductory level. New to competitions. Working on basic movement. (Please follow beginner guidelines to avoid penalties)
BEGINNER: Dancers who are still learning basic technique and movements. Single to double pirouettes, leaps, side leaps, "C" jumps, cartwheels, chaine turns, front and back walkover.
Not Allowed: Triple Pirouettes, fouetté turns or a la seconde turns, changing spot turns, leg hold turns, switch leaps, no triple turns of any kind!
INTERMEDIATE: Dancers who are transitioning from beginning level. Dancers who execute intermediate skills, but are not technically perfect. Double pirouettes, 4-5 a la seconde turns, switch leap, back leap, and 1 tumbling pass.
Not Allowed: Triple Pirouettes, no more than 5 consecutive rotations of any combination of turns, changing spot turns, switch tilts.
HIGH INTERMEDIATE: Dancers who have mastered intermediate skills or have won first place in intermediate category. Triple pirouettes, multiple a la seconde turns, tilt jumps, leg grab turns, multiple back handsprings, multiple turn sequences, and solid technique.
Not Allowed: Changing spot turns, no more than 8 consecutive rotations of any combination of turns.
ADVANCED: Dancers who execute very challenging movement, technique, flexibility, and artistic expression. Anything goes! These dancers have won first place in high intermediate categories.
*If a routine is not entered into the appropriate skill level, they will be judged in appropriate category at the discretion of the judges for overall fairness of the competition. No points will be deducted from routine, but will be eliminated for overall award.